Case Studies


See Our Latest Case Studies

Our HR team work hard to ensure that every aspect of your business is supported. Some of the common topics we get asked to help with are below.

Person holding a magnifying glass looking at a piece of paper closely
Two females sitting opposite each other smiling and interacting


Getting the most out of your employees usually starts with appraisals and performance reviews.

Two business men looking at a form across a table


Disciplinary investigations case cause strain on any businesses, our HR advisors are on hand to help you every step of the way.

Man being interviewed over video on a laptop


The first stage of the employee lifecycle is the recruitment stage. It typically takes a business 4-5 weeks to hire therefore, it can be a lengthy task which takes time.

Man and woman sitting side by side looking concerned at a piece of paper


Unsure how to conduct a legal redundancy procedure? Find out how we helped a client mitigate the potential for risks and claims.

Looking for expert HR advice?Speak to someone who understands

We give you access to a HR department for a fraction of the cost of hiring an in-house HR team, providing CIPD qualified HR support face-to-face, by email, on the telephone or by any combination which suits you best.